Emerging Technologies in e-Governance
The way we view information systems (IS) today is very different from what we did before, as new digital innovations evolve and change how we live and work. For example, while IS has been regarded as an organizational resource to support existing companies, it is nowadays seen as a strategic instrument for business transformation and innovation growth. Advances in information technologies (IT) have fundamentally changed the way businesses create, devise and execute competitive advantage strategies. Nevertheless, recent developments in the fields of computer education, the Internet of Things (IoT) and digital platforms are forcing governments to re-assess constantly how the importance of IS is to be used, handled and relevant. For example, cloud computing and digital technology consumption allow ordinary staff with low technology expertise to embrace and introduce IS alone, generating problems in IT governance and in system value assessment. The digital age affects not only our understanding of IS and their possibilities, but also the recognition of potentials. A new set of approaches, leadership, and governance is needed today for effective digital transformation. Organizations need new ideas and approaches, in order to effectively combine business both physical and digital aspects and to regulate the elements impacted by company ecosystems. In order to support the general organizational goals, IT/IS strategies need to be well coordinated. Although the digital age has offered organizations numerous opportunities, a series of new technological challenges have been developed, including information security, privacy issues, business risks and regulatory compliance risks. It is vital for the progress and survival of the digital era to tackle technological, conduct, organizational, cultural and legal issues. Strong leadership and efficient digital strategy and administration are therefore important. Artificial Intelligence (AI) commercialization provides a whole new range of Government Process automation opportunities which could even unpredictable and complex competitive landscape than before.
In this track, we encourage researchers, experts, actors, stakeholders and the general public to produce informative and original articles throughout research that extend and question our understanding of emerging technologies in governance. We expect high-quality research, either developing a new theoretical framework for IT policy, governance or value, or presenting interesting and surprising analytical results with robust implementation for the track theme. We are thankful for all forms of research related to digital IS and are open to all types of research methods (simulation, surveys, tests, literature reviews, case studies, action research, etc.). Much valued is realistic work. All comprehensive research papers and advanced research papers are welcome. This section looks for papers which help to understand the field of open governance in digital platform creation and online communities.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):